SBS Teas Blog

July 6, 2012

Iced Tea Time

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ImageAh, summer. It sure came in all of a sudden this year and sooo warm! What better way to cool down than with a refreshing glass of iced tea. I know I always like to have a glass in hand. In order to make sure I don’t run out I make a large batch first thing in the morning. (Who wants the kettle on during the heat of the day?!) I brew a strong tea and, if I want sweet tea add a simple syrup to the cooler. All I need then is a glass of ice.

This is great for kids as well. Just use an herbal or decaf tea. Igloo coolers come in handy for this. I think all Soccer Moms are issued one of these when their kids start playing sports. With a cooler on the counter, the kids can help themselves all day long. A gallon pitcher in the fridge works well also.

Suggested Teas….Lemon Spearmint Herbal, Buttercup(organic herbal blend), Mango, Passion Fruit Peach or Green Tea with Citrus and Ginkgo.  Let SBS Teas help you brew a glass of iced tea with one of our delicious flavors.

How to make a simple syrup-

1 part sugar to 2 parts water

Boil until sugar is dissolved.

Chill and use.

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